MindGame Studios featured on SYFY Wire for Pride Month

Happy Pride, everyone! 🏳️‍🌈

I am very pleased and excited to announced that I was selected to be featured as part of SYFY & Tongal’s Pride Month celebration of the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genres and their influential relationship to queer identity and the LGBTQ+ community. Along with creating a short video about my own relationship to both, I was interviewed by SYFY Wire to further describe my own relationship to both. Unlike most Tongal projects which are usually advertisements of some kind, this asked for a unique and particularly personal story from me. Its one that inspired me to reflect on my own personal and creative journey over the years, the media that has been the greatest influences on me, and the road towards understanding and accepting my own queerness.

Thanks to Nathan Wells for his excellent and tireless work on the sets and puppets, and Phil Heinrich who was an enormous help in putting together some of the more complicated VFX shots. Grateful to Tongal and SYFY for the opportunity to share this part of myself in a format that means so much to me. I’m incredibly proud of how the video turned out, and I hope you all enjoy it too!

(And so it’s even more officially out there, I am queer non-binary, and my pronouns are he/they! ✌️)

via: https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/syfy-tongal-creators-celebrate-pride-2022-with-genre-films


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